Are you feeling a little overwhelmed preparing for the Microsoft MS-102 exam? Don’t panic, I understand the pain of “no direction in reviewing”. Therefore, I decided to share the 15 latest free practice questions with you directly online. I carefully organized these questions based on the 2025 exam syllabus, covering core content such as Microsoft 365 management and compliance. Next, I will show these 15 questions in this article and talk about my preparation experience. If you want to go further, I would also recommend an artifact-Leads4Pass, where complete exam preparation resources are waiting for you. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

How reliable are these 15 free questions?

You may be thinking: “Are the free questions too watery?” Don’t worry, these 15 questions are interesting. They are based on Microsoft’s official MS-102 syllabus and include multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. For example, the fourth question is: “You have a Microsoft 365 E5 subscription that contains two security groups named Group1 and Group2. What should you configure for each group?” I will answer directly online, along with ideas. In this way you can not only practice with it, but also learn practical skills. In the following paragraphs, I will list these 15 questions and their answers. Learn while reading to double your efficiency!

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